Sunday, December 31, 2006

Saddam Hussein 1937-2006

Saddam Hussein, may not have been the worlds' greatest of leaders. But he was a leader nevertheless, and he's suffered probably the most gruesome and certainly the most humiliating death at the hands of his internal enemies.

The problem with the world today is there are evil point-of-views under the garb of democracies. People can get away with the most uncivilized and gruesome acts by claiming to be proponents of democracy.

Would anyone ever hang the leaders of the coalition who defied the United Nations, and went into war for the search of "Nukes", which were never found?

Is anyone asking Mr. Bush & Mr. Blair about their own conscience?

They invaded the country uttering a single excuse "Weapons of Mass Destruction", ironically the only "Weapons of Mass Destruction" in Iraq today are the ones' carried on the shoulders of British and American troops!!!

What a farcical world and what horrific nations to share this planet with!

Full Coverage of Saddam's Execution

Friday, December 08, 2006

Flight Simulator Trips

Mount Everest
Fly from Tribhovandas International Airport, Kathmandu-Nepal, and fly east about 85 degrees. You would come across the beautiful himalayas. Its' quite a pleasure guiding the King Air between the mountain. Try landing in between mountains in the snow-laden valleys. It should be quite easy.
( Pic 1-2)

The most deadliest peak in the world, second tallest after Mount Everest. This peak has a death-rate of 41% amongst summiters.
(Pic 3-4)
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Friday, December 01, 2006

My Best Photo

My Best Photo!

This one was taken on 01-Jan-2005.

As you can clearly see, its' a collage of some 6 photos taken side-by-side using my Canon Powershot S1 IS.

It was an amazing day, the cloud formation looked so different the mini clouds looked as if tiny ice-cream drops that some wasteful kid drops along as he wizzes past in a car. Posted by Picasa

Paragliding in Manali!

The most exhilarating experience of my life!

Swapnali and me took this risk without realizing it was about to give us a memory for life. The photo shows Swapnali floating in the cool Manali breeze cushioned by snow-capped mountains and lush conifers.

My woman, she led the way that day! Posted by Picasa