1. They make an absolute fool represent them, the guy I was speaking to had zilch knowledge of inflation, costing and was so retarded, that I simply gave up reason within 3-4 mins into the session.
2. Take now, or fugget-about-it policy. This is akin to crying out loud, "about making the worst decision of your life".
3. The sales guys' guts to say that reviews written about their company are false and lies.
Finally, I decided to signup, only after knowing that I had the option to back-out within 10 days. I took a total of 1 hour to back-out. No sooner did I hit the following sites: mouthshut.com, consumercomplaints.in and blogs of folks that had been duped, that I made the call. I got the money after a lot of headache, which I don't wanna recall at this point.
However, the more important thing was that, I did a thorough cost-benefit analysis of the holiday scheme that was on offer, and was surprised to find out that on an average, Club Mahindra charged its members around 3.5 times the price they would charge web-customers for a stay at their resorts. Please see attached for the calculations, and pass the word around. It is nothing short of a loot!