Had some time to kill today, and managed to compile this list of 1st suggested site when an alphabet is typed in Google.com.
e.g. Typing A automatically shows Amazon.com as the first result. Imagine the popularity of such sites that are linked to one of the 26 letters of the English Alphabet.
PS: Q is still open for takers, as the site returned didn't appear to be commercial to the extent others are.
Anyway - here's the full according to google.com.
A = Amazon.com
B = BestBuy.com
C = CraigsList.com
D = Dictionary.Reference.com
E = EBay.com
F = FaceBook.com
G = Google.com
H = HotMail.com
I = iPhone5Release.org
J = JetBlue.com
K = Kohls.com
L = Lowes.com
M = MapQuest.com
N = NetFlix.com
O = Orbitz.com
P = Pandora.com
Q = BrainyQuote.com
R = RedBox.com
S = SouthWest.com
T = Target.com
U = USPS.com
V = Verizon.com
W = Weather.com
X = XBox.com
Y = YouTube.com
Z = Zillow.com