Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Uttaran: Indian Soap

If television programming were a barometer of society, then Indian society is feudal, schizophrenic, sexist and downright disgusting...

I cannot begin to compare the chasm between Indian prime-time serials / shows to something I grew up watching. Fox Mulder, Friends gang, Benny Hill, Simpsons, Jay Leno - to name a few. The degradation of Indian serials seems complete with the currently ranked #1 show - Uttaran.

Its' a story of a girl who lands up in a soup thanks to her psychopath elder sister. Then to make matters worse, the characters possess deep amnesia and exist in an alternate reality. Law & order do not exist, nor does morality, gratitude or plain divinity. All characters in this serial possess one and only one value which has not changed for the countless episodes that have aired. There is no remorse, no love, no clarity.

To add to the mayhem of this non-sense is the cliched cinematography that does not believe in airing 2 minutes of narratable content per episode, insists on multiple angle shots of dumb expressions of every actor reacting to tidbits that happen in each episode and above all the horrendous pieces of sound effects that accompany them.

So far it does not get offensive, but when you see the feudalistic mindsets of these writers, is when you lose reason. Its' indeed a shame that such grisly content is being served to the audience, which is primarily women who are mostly married - judging by the ads shown during the breaks, soaps, cleansers, fairness creams et al. My only request to the writers, directors and whoever is responsible for this non-sense - You dont' have to! If money is the only criteria then prostitution is the best profession, and yours currently ranks only a shade higher.

If there are any values at work in your heart, body or mind, then go ahead and walk out - unless there is stand taken against this horrid broadcasting, there is little hope for the future...

...thank god, the society I belong to is no where close to what the writers of this serial seem to have infested.

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